Using the OpenCensus Extension

The OpenCensus for PHP extension allows you to “watch” class method and function calls in order to automatically collect nested spans (timing data).


You can install the opencensus extension from PECL:

$ pecl install opencensus-alpha

Enable the extension in your php.ini:


The opencensus extension collects nested span data throughout the course of your application’s execution. You can collect spans in 2 ways, by watching for function/method invocations or by manually starting and stopping spans. In both cases, the spans will be collected together and can be retrieved at the end of the request.

Watching for function/method invocations

To trace a class method, use the opencensus_trace_method:

 * Trace each invocation of the specified function
 * @param  string $className
 * @param  string $methodName
 * @param  array|Closure $handler
 * @return bool
function opencensus_trace_method($className, $methodName, $handler = []);

// Example: create a span whenever a new instance of Foobar is created
opencensus_trace_method('Foobar', '__construct');
$foobar = new Foobar();

The $handler parameter can be either an array or a callable.

If an array is provided, it should be an associative array with the following optional keys:

If a callback is provided, it will be passed the instance of the class (scope) and a copy of each parameter provided to the watched method. The callback should return an array with the above options. If the callback does not return an array, an E_USER_WARNING error is thrown.

// Example: supply a static array of span options as the handler
opencensus_trace_method('Foobar', '__construct', [
    'name' => 'Foobar::__construct',
    'attributes' => [
        'foo' => 'bar'

// Example: supply a closure
opencensus_trace_method('Foobar', '__construct', function ($scope, $constructArg1, $constructArg2) {
    return [
        'attributes' => [
            'arg1' => $constructArg1

// Example: supply a callback
function my_callback($scope, $constructArg1, $constructArg2)
    return [
        'attributes' => [
            'arg1' => $constructArg1
opencensus_trace_method('Foobar', '__construct', 'my_callback');

To trace a function, use the opencensus_trace_function:

 * Trace each invocation of the specified function
 * @param  string $functionName
 * @param  array|callback $handler
 * @return bool
function opencensus_trace_function($functionName, $handler = []);

// Example: create a span whenever a new instance of Foobar is created

Just like tracing a method, you can provide a $handler option which can be an array or a callback. The behavior is the same as the method tracing, except that the callback will not be passed the scope parameter as there is not object scope available.

opencensus_trace_function('var_dump', function ($value) {
    return [
        'name' => 'Foobar::__construct',
        'attributes' => [
          'value' => $value

Manually creating trace spans

Manually start a trace span with name $spanName. $spanOptions is an associative array that matches the format used in opencensus_trace_method and opencensus_trace_function.

 * Start a trace span. The current trace span (if any) will be set as this span's parent.
 * @return bool Returns true if the span has been created
opencensus_trace_begin($spanName, $spanOptions);

Manually finish the current trace span.

 * Finish the current trace span. The previous trace span (if any) will be set as the current trace span.
 * @return bool Returns true if the span has been finished

Retrieving span data

Retrieve an array of collected spans. This returns an array of OpenCensus\Trace\Ext\Span instances. In general, you will do this at the end of the request. See the PHP equivalent code.

 * Retrieve the list of collected trace spans
 * @return OpenCensus\Trace\Ext\Span[]
function opencensus_trace_list();

 * Clear the list of collected trace spans
 * @return bool
function opencensus_trace_clear();

Maintaining context

As you create spans, your trace context is automatically maintained for you. Trace context consists of a $traceId and current $spanId. At any point, you can ask for the current trace context. This returns a OpenCensus\Trace\Ext\SpanContext object. See the PHP equivalent code.

 * Fetch the current trace context
 * @return OpenCensus\Trace\Ext\SpanContext
function opencensus_trace_context();

You may also set the initial trace context. Note that doing this after spans have been created is undefined.

 * Set the initial trace context
 * @param string $traceId The trace id for this request. **Defaults to** a generated value.
 * @param string $parentSpanId [optional] The span id of this request's parent. **Defaults to** `null`.
function opencensus_trace_set_context($traceId, $parentSpanId = null);

Add attributes to spans

 * Add a attribute to the current span
 * @param string $key
 * @param string $value
function opencensus_trace_add_attribute($key, $value);

 * Add a attribute to the root current span
 * @param string $key
 * @param string $value
function opencensus_trace_add_root_attribute($key, $value);


You can retrieve the version of this extension at runtime.

 * Return the current version of the opencensus_trace extension
 * @return string
function opencensus_trace_version();