Source code for opencensus.trace.span

# Copyright 2017, OpenCensus Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

    from import MutableMapping
    from import Sequence
except ImportError:
    from collections import MutableMapping
    from collections import Sequence

from collections import OrderedDict
from collections import deque
from datetime import datetime
from itertools import chain
import threading

from opencensus.common import utils
from opencensus.trace import attributes as attributes_module
from opencensus.trace import base_span
from opencensus.trace import link as link_module
from opencensus.trace import stack_trace as stack_trace_module
from opencensus.trace import status as status_module
from opencensus.trace import time_event
from opencensus.trace.span_context import generate_span_id
from opencensus.trace.tracers import base

#  # noqa

[docs]class BoundedList(Sequence): """An append only list with a fixed max size.""" def __init__(self, maxlen): self.dropped = 0 self._dq = deque(maxlen=maxlen) self._lock = threading.Lock() def __repr__(self): return ("{}({}, maxlen={})" .format( type(self).__name__, list(self._dq), self._dq.maxlen )) def __getitem__(self, index): return self._dq[index] def __len__(self): return len(self._dq) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._dq) def append(self, item): with self._lock: if len(self._dq) == self._dq.maxlen: self.dropped += 1 self._dq.append(item) def extend(self, seq): with self._lock: to_drop = len(seq) + len(self._dq) - self._dq.maxlen if to_drop > 0: self.dropped += to_drop self._dq.extend(seq) @classmethod def from_seq(cls, maxlen, seq): seq = tuple(seq) if len(seq) > maxlen: raise ValueError bounded_list = cls(maxlen) bounded_list._dq = deque(seq, maxlen=maxlen) return bounded_list
[docs]class BoundedDict(MutableMapping): """A dict with a fixed max capacity.""" def __init__(self, maxlen): self.maxlen = maxlen self.dropped = 0 self._dict = OrderedDict() self._lock = threading.Lock() def __repr__(self): return ("{}({}, maxlen={})" .format( type(self).__name__, dict(self._dict), self.maxlen )) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._dict[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): with self._lock: if key in self._dict: del self._dict[key] elif len(self._dict) == self.maxlen: del self._dict[next(iter(self._dict.keys()))] self.dropped += 1 self._dict[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del self._dict[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._dict) def __len__(self): return len(self._dict) @classmethod def from_map(cls, maxlen, mapping): mapping = OrderedDict(mapping) if len(mapping) > maxlen: raise ValueError bounded_dict = cls(maxlen) bounded_dict._dict = mapping return bounded_dict
class SpanKind(object): UNSPECIFIED = 0 SERVER = 1 CLIENT = 2
[docs]class Span(base_span.BaseSpan): """A span is an individual timed event which forms a node of the trace tree. Each span has its name, span id and parent id. The parent id indicates the causal relationships between the individual spans in a single distributed trace. Span that does not have a parent id is called root span. All spans associated with a specific trace also share a common trace id. Spans do not need to be continuous, there can be gaps between two spans. :type name: str :param name: The name of the span. :type parent_span: :class:`~opencensus.trace.span.Span` :param parent_span: (Optional) Parent span. :type attributes: dict :param attributes: Collection of attributes associated with the span. Attribute keys must be less than 128 bytes. Attribute values must be less than 16 kilobytes. :type start_time: str :param start_time: (Optional) Start of the time interval (inclusive) during which the trace data was collected from the application. :type end_time: str :param end_time: (Optional) End of the time interval (inclusive) during which the trace data was collected from the application. :type span_id: int :param span_id: Identifier for the span, unique within a trace. :type stack_trace: :class: `~opencensus.trace.stack_trace.StackTrace` :param stack_trace: (Optional) A call stack appearing in a trace :type annotations: list(:class:`opencensus.trace.time_event.Annotation`) :param annotations: (Optional) The list of span annotations. :type message_events: list(:class:`opencensus.trace.time_event.MessageEvent`) :param message_events: (Optional) The list of span message events. :type links: list :param links: (Optional) Links associated with the span. You can have up to 128 links per Span. :type status: :class: `~opencensus.trace.status.Status` :param status: (Optional) An optional final status for this span. :type same_process_as_parent_span: bool :param same_process_as_parent_span: (Optional) A highly recommended but not required flag that identifies when a trace crosses a process boundary. True when the parent_span belongs to the same process as the current span. :type context_tracer: :class:`~opencensus.trace.tracers.context_tracer. ContextTracer` :param context_tracer: The tracer that holds a stack of spans. If this is not None, then when exiting a span, use the end_span method in the tracer class to finish a span. If no tracer is passed in, then just finish the span using the finish method in the Span class. :type span_kind: int :param span_kind: (Optional) Highly recommended flag that denotes the type of span (valid values defined by :class: `opencensus.trace.span.SpanKind`) """ def __init__( self, name, parent_span=None, attributes=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, span_id=None, stack_trace=None, annotations=None, message_events=None, links=None, status=None, same_process_as_parent_span=None, context_tracer=None, span_kind=SpanKind.UNSPECIFIED): = name self.parent_span = parent_span self.start_time = start_time self.end_time = end_time if span_id is None: span_id = generate_span_id() if attributes is None: self.attributes = BoundedDict(MAX_NUM_ATTRIBUTES) else: self.attributes = BoundedDict.from_map( MAX_NUM_ATTRIBUTES, attributes) # Do not manipulate spans directly using the methods in Span Class, # make sure to use the Tracer. if parent_span is None: parent_span = base.NullContextManager() if annotations is None: self.annotations = BoundedList(MAX_NUM_ANNOTATIONS) else: self.annotations = BoundedList.from_seq(MAX_NUM_LINKS, annotations) if message_events is None: self.message_events = BoundedList(MAX_NUM_MESSAGE_EVENTS) else: self.message_events = BoundedList.from_seq( MAX_NUM_LINKS, message_events) if links is None: self.links = BoundedList(MAX_NUM_LINKS) else: self.links = BoundedList.from_seq(MAX_NUM_LINKS, links) self.span_id = span_id self.stack_trace = stack_trace self.status = status self.same_process_as_parent_span = same_process_as_parent_span self._child_spans = [] self.context_tracer = context_tracer self.span_kind = span_kind for callback in Span._on_create_callbacks: callback(self) _on_create_callbacks = [] @staticmethod def on_create(callback): Span._on_create_callbacks.append(callback) @property def children(self): """The child spans of the current span.""" return self._child_spans
[docs] def span(self, name='child_span'): """Create a child span for the current span and append it to the child spans list. :type name: str :param name: (Optional) The name of the child span. :rtype: :class: `~opencensus.trace.span.Span` :returns: A child Span to be added to the current span. """ child_span = Span(name, parent_span=self) self._child_spans.append(child_span) return child_span
[docs] def add_attribute(self, attribute_key, attribute_value): """Add attribute to span. :type attribute_key: str :param attribute_key: Attribute key. :type attribute_value:str :param attribute_value: Attribute value. """ self.attributes[attribute_key] = attribute_value
[docs] def add_annotation(self, description, **attrs): """Add an annotation to span. :type description: str :param description: A user-supplied message describing the event. The maximum length for the description is 256 bytes. :type attrs: kwargs :param attrs: keyworded arguments e.g. failed=True, name='Caching' """ self.annotations.append(time_event.Annotation( datetime.utcnow(), description, attributes_module.Attributes(attrs) ))
[docs] def add_message_event(self, message_event): """Add a message event to this span. :type message_event: :class:`opencensus.trace.time_event.MessageEvent` :param message_event: The message event to attach to this span. """ self.message_events.append(message_event)
[docs] def start(self): """Set the start time for a span.""" self.start_time = utils.to_iso_str()
[docs] def finish(self): """Set the end time for a span.""" self.end_time = utils.to_iso_str()
def __iter__(self): """Iterate through the span tree.""" for span in chain(*(map(iter, self.children))): yield span yield self def __enter__(self): """Start a span.""" self.start() return self def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): """Finish a span.""" if traceback is not None: self.stack_trace =\ stack_trace_module.StackTrace.from_traceback(traceback) if exception_value is not None: self.status = status_module.Status.from_exception(exception_value) if self.context_tracer is not None: self.context_tracer.end_span() return self.finish()
[docs]def format_span_json(span): """Helper to format a Span in JSON format. :type span: :class:`~opencensus.trace.span.Span` :param span: A Span to be transferred to JSON format. :rtype: dict :returns: Formatted Span. """ span_json = { 'displayName': utils.get_truncatable_str(, 'spanId': span.span_id, 'startTime': span.start_time, 'endTime': span.end_time, 'childSpanCount': len(span._child_spans) } parent_span_id = None if span.parent_span is not None: parent_span_id = span.parent_span.span_id if parent_span_id is not None: span_json['parentSpanId'] = parent_span_id if span.attributes: span_json['attributes'] = attributes_module.Attributes( span.attributes).format_attributes_json() if span.stack_trace is not None: span_json['stackTrace'] = span.stack_trace.format_stack_trace_json() formatted_time_events = [] if span.annotations: formatted_time_events.extend( {'time': aa.timestamp, 'annotation': aa.format_annotation_json()} for aa in span.annotations) if span.message_events: formatted_time_events.extend( {'time': aa.timestamp, 'message_event': aa.format_message_event_json()} for aa in span.message_events) if formatted_time_events: span_json['timeEvents'] = { 'timeEvent': formatted_time_events } if span.links: span_json['links'] = { 'link': [ link.format_link_json() for link in span.links] } if span.status is not None: span_json['status'] = span.status.format_status_json() if span.same_process_as_parent_span is not None: span_json['sameProcessAsParentSpan'] = \ span.same_process_as_parent_span return span_json