Source code for opencensus.trace.span_context

# Copyright 2017, OpenCensus Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""SpanContext encapsulates the current context within the request's trace."""

import logging
import re
import six
import random

from opencensus.trace import trace_options as trace_options_module

_INVALID_TRACE_ID = '0' * 32
INVALID_SPAN_ID = '0' * 16

TRACE_ID_PATTERN = re.compile('[0-9a-f]{32}?')
SPAN_ID_PATTERN = re.compile('[0-9a-f]{16}?')

# Default options, don't force sampling

[docs]class SpanContext(object): """SpanContext includes 3 fields: traceId, spanId, and an trace_options flag which indicates whether or not the request is being traced. It contains the current context to be propagated to the child spans. :type trace_id: str :param trace_id: (Optional) Trace_id is a 32 digits uuid for the trace. If not given, will generate one automatically. :type span_id: str :param span_id: (Optional) Identifier for the span, unique within a trace. If not given, will generate one automatically. :type trace_options: :class: `~opencensus.trace.trace_options.TraceOptions` :param trace_options: (Optional) TraceOptions indicates 8 trace options. :type from_header: bool :param from_header: (Optional) Indicates whether the trace context is generated from request header. """ def __init__( self, trace_id=None, span_id=None, trace_options=None, tracestate=None, from_header=False): if trace_id is None: trace_id = generate_trace_id() if trace_options is None: trace_options = trace_options_module.TraceOptions(DEFAULT_OPTIONS) self.from_header = from_header self.trace_id = self._check_trace_id(trace_id) self.span_id = self._check_span_id(span_id) self.trace_options = trace_options self.tracestate = tracestate def __repr__(self): """Returns a string form of the SpanContext. :rtype: str :returns: String form of the SpanContext. """ fmt = '{}(trace_id={}, span_id={}, trace_options={}, tracestate={})' return fmt.format( type(self).__name__, self.trace_id, self.span_id, self.trace_options, self.tracestate, ) def _check_span_id(self, span_id): """Check the format of the span_id to ensure it is 16-character hex value representing a 64-bit number. If span_id is invalid, logs a warning message and returns None :type span_id: str :param span_id: Identifier for the span, unique within a span. :rtype: str :returns: Span_id for the current span. """ if span_id is None: return None assert isinstance(span_id, six.string_types) if span_id is INVALID_SPAN_ID: logging.warning( 'Span_id %s is invalid (cannot be all zero)', span_id) self.from_header = False return None match = SPAN_ID_PATTERN.match(span_id) if match: return span_id else: logging.warning( 'Span_id %s does not the match the ' 'required format', span_id) self.from_header = False return None def _check_trace_id(self, trace_id): """Check the format of the trace_id to ensure it is 32-character hex value representing a 128-bit number. If trace_id is invalid, returns a randomly generated trace id :type trace_id: str :param trace_id: :rtype: str :returns: Trace_id for the current context. """ assert isinstance(trace_id, six.string_types) if trace_id is _INVALID_TRACE_ID: logging.warning( 'Trace_id %s is invalid (cannot be all zero), ' 'generating a new one.', trace_id) self.from_header = False return generate_trace_id() match = TRACE_ID_PATTERN.match(trace_id) if match: return trace_id else: logging.warning( 'Trace_id %s does not the match the required format,' 'generating a new one instead.', trace_id) self.from_header = False return generate_trace_id()
[docs]def generate_span_id(): """Return the random generated span ID for a span. Must be a 16 character hexadecimal encoded string :rtype: str :returns: 16 digit randomly generated hex trace id. """ return '{:016x}'.format(random.getrandbits(64))
[docs]def generate_trace_id(): """Generate a random 32 char hex trace_id. :rtype: str :returns: 32 digit randomly generated hex trace id. """ return '{:032x}'.format(random.getrandbits(128))