class QpsSampler implements SamplerInterface

This implementation of the SamplerInterface uses a cache to limit sampling to the a certain number of queries per second. It requires a PSR-6 cache implementation.

Example using cache/memcached-adapter:

// This example uses the  Memcached extension and requires the
// cache/memcached-adapter composer package
use OpenCensus\Trace\Sampler\QpsSampler;
use Cache\Adapter\Memcached\MemcachedCachePool;
use Cache\Adapter\Common\PhpCacheItem;

$client = new \Memcached();
$client->addServer('localhost', 11211);
$cache = new Memcached\MemcachedCachePool($client);
$sampler = new QpsSampler($cache, [
    'cacheItemClass' => PhpCacheItem::class

You can find a list of PSR-6 cache implementations here.





__construct(CacheItemPoolInterface $cache = null, array $options = [])

Create a new QpsSampler. If the provided cache is shared between servers, the queries per second will be counted across servers. If the cache is shared between servers and you wish to sample independently on the servers, provide your own cache key that is different on each server.


Returns whether or not the request should be sampled.


Return the query-per-second rate


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__construct(CacheItemPoolInterface $cache = null, array $options = [])

Create a new QpsSampler. If the provided cache is shared between servers, the queries per second will be counted across servers. If the cache is shared between servers and you wish to sample independently on the servers, provide your own cache key that is different on each server.

There may be race conditions between simultaneous requests where they may both (all) be sampled.


CacheItemPoolInterface $cache The cache store to use
array $options [optional] { configuration options.

@type string $cacheItemClass The class of the item to use. This class must implement
@type float $rate The number of queries per second to allow. Must be less than or equal to 1.
      **Defaults to** `0.1`
@type string $key The cache key to use. **Defaults to** `__opencensus_trace__`


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bool shouldSample()

Returns whether or not the request should be sampled.

Return Value


at line 161
float rate()

Return the query-per-second rate

Return Value
