This class is an implementation of a generic context.
This class is a client to the OpenCensus PHP Daemon application.
This class in an implementation of a generic scope that has something to execute when the scope finishes.
The ExporterInterface allows you to swap out the Stats reporting mechanism.
FloatMeasure is a Measure for Float values.
IntMeasure is a Measure for Int values.
Measure represents a single numeric value to be tracked and recorded.
Trait which handles Measure creation. Takes care of name validation and deduplication.
Base clase for Measurements.
Interface for handling a Measurement Map.
MeasurementMap for recording Measurements.
NoopMeasurementMap is a Noop implementation for Measurement recording.
This class provides static functions to give you access to the most common Stats actions.
Aggregation represents a data aggregation method.
View allows users to aggregate the recorded stats.Measurements.
This class implements the (de)serialization of TagContext using the binary wire format.
A tag is a key-value pair.
TagContext represents a collection of tags.
A key to a value stored in a TagContext
A key to a value stored in a TagContext
A class that represents an Annotation resource.
Trait which provides helper methods for converting DateTime input formats.
This implementation of the SpanEventHandlerInterface does nothing.
This interface defines events that are triggered when a Span is updated.
This implementation of the ExporterInterface uses print_r to output the trace's representation to stdout.
The ExporterInterface allows you to swap out the Trace reporting mechanism
This implementation of the ExporterInterface appends a JSON representation of the trace to a file.
This implementation of the ExporterInterface sends log messages to a configurable PSR-3 logger.
This implementation of the ExporterInterface does nothing.
Trait which provides helper methods for generating trace identifiers.
This class handles instrumenting curl requests using the opencensus extension.
This class handles instrumenting the Doctrine ORM queries using the opencensus extension.
This class handles instrumenting the Eloquent ORM queries using the opencensus extension.
This class handles instrumenting grpc requests using the opencensus extension.
This class handles integration with GuzzleHttp 5. Attaching this EventSubscriber to your Guzzle client, will enable distrubted tracing by passing along the trace context header and will also create trace spans for all outgoing requests.
This class handles integration with GuzzleHttp 6. Adding this middleware to your Guzzle client, will enable distrubted tracing by passing along the trace context header and will also create trace spans for all outgoing requests.
Common interface for enabling Trace integration for various frameworks and libraries.
This class handles instrumenting the Laravel framework's standard stack using the opencensus extension.
This class handles instrumenting memcache requests using the opencensus extension.
This class handles instrumenting mysql requests using the opencensus extension.
This class handles instrumenting PDO requests using the opencensus extension.
This class handles instrumenting postgres requests using the opencensus extension.
This class handles instrumenting the Symfony framework's standard stack using the opencensus extension.
This class handles instrumenting the Wordpress framework's standard stack using the opencensus extension.
A class that represents a Link resource.
A class that represents a MessageEvent resource.
This propagator contains the method for serializaing and deserializing SpanContext over a binary format.
This format using a human readable string encoding to propagate SpanContext.
This interface lets us define serialization strategies for SpanContext.
This propagator contains the logic for propagating SpanContext over grpc using its request metadata. It will default to using the BinaryFormatter to serialize/deserialize SpanContext.
This propagator uses HTTP headers to propagate SpanContext over HTTP.
This interface lets us define separate SpanContext Propagator formats. This interface is responsible for parsing and propagating the SpanContext to upstream and downstream requests.
This format using a human readable string encoding to propagate SpanContext.
This class manages the logic for sampling and reporting a trace within a single request. It is not meant to be used directly -- instead, it should be managed by the Tracer as its singleton instance.
This implementation of the SamplerInterface always returns false. Use this sampler to attempt to trace all requests. You may be throttled by the server.
This implementation of the SamplerInterface wraps any number of child SamplerInterface implementations. All provided implementations must return true in order for the request to be sampled.
This implementation of the SamplerInterface always returns false. Use this sampler to disable all tracing.
This implementation of the SamplerInterface uses a pseudo-random number generator to sample a percentage of requests.
This implementation of the SamplerInterface uses a cache to limit sampling to the a certain number of queries per second. It requires a PSR-6 cache implementation.
This interface lets us customize the sampling logic.
This plain PHP class represents a single timed event within a Trace. Spans can be nested and form a trace tree. Often, a trace contains a root span that describes the end-to-end latency of an operation and, optionally, one or more subspans for its suboperations. Spans do not need to be contiguous. There may be gaps between spans in a trace.
SpanContext encapsulates your current context within your request's trace. It includes 3 fields: the traceId, the current spanId, and an enabled flag which indicates whether or not the request is being traced.
This plain PHP class represents a read-only version of a single timed event within a Trace. Spans can be nested and form a trace tree. Often, a trace contains a root span that describes the end-to-end latency of an operation and, optionally, one or more subspans for its suboperations. Spans do not need to be contiguous. There may be gaps between spans in a trace.
The Status type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by gRPC.
An abstract class that represents a TimeEvent resource.
This class provides static functions to give you access to the current request's singleton tracer. You should use this class to instrument your code.
This implementation of the TracerInterface manages your trace context throughout the request. It maintains a stack of Span records that are currently open allowing you to know the current context at any moment.
This implementation of the TracerInterface utilizes the opencensus extension to manage span context. The opencensus extension augments user created spans and adds automatic tracing to several commonly desired events.
This implementation of the TracerInterface is the null object implementation.
This interface allows you to use the null object pattern for your tracer.
Internal utility methods for working with tag keys, tag values, and metric names.
Varint encoding and decoding methods inspired by Go encoding/binary package.
This class provides a constant for the current version of this library.